Saw Elder Sagers (from our ward) at zone conference.
This is Elder Joseph and he lives where THE ELDER STEVEN ACKLEY is serving right now. If all of Steve's people are like Elder Joseph, that's dope cause he's hilarious and I can barely understand his accent.
Our minutes always run out on our lil mission phone, and so I started talking on a platano and my comp thought I was really funny.
Got a new mission president. Said goodbye to these great people and now have a couple from Puerto Rico.
So leonel is so weird and so funny. A couple things with him this week... We were going over the questions for baptism with him and we asked him "Have you ever committed a serious crime?" His response, "I stole a piece of chicken from my mom once when i was a kid" hahaha The next question. "Have you ever participated in a homosexual relationship?" "I hugged my male cousin once." So needless to say, .he is totally ready for his baptism on the 15th! But yeah, we went to the temple with him this week and he was just in awe of the beauty and the happiness and peace that is there. I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for trusting me to be one of the missionaries to find and teach this man. I am so humbled and grateful to be here doing this work and feeling the hand of God in my life soooo much. It's truly incredible.
Ahhh, also one of the funniest moments with him that made me laugh soooo hard. We had a problem calling him this week, so we were figuring it out one day, and I was looking at his phone and our contact name in his phone was the "profetas." hahaha I just started busting up and we had to explain to him that no, we are not prophets. hahaha
feliz cumpleanos estados unidos! How'sM Trump?
I get sad thinking of leaving my dear Haitians one day. These people are the absolute best. We were teaching them English this night. and Jose (the one is green) asked what "kiss me" means. haha I was like why do you know this?! haha And he said the chocolates always say it hahaha. Love these people so much
Also, awkward pic of Cleonse....he stood close to me and put his hand on my shoulder at the last second and I didn't know what to do. haha
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