From her mission president last week:
Your wonderful daughter, has arrived in the Santo Domingo West Mission in the beautiful Dominican Republic. This is an incredible opportunity and we are delighted to experience it together.
She has arrived happy and healthy and ready to serve as a personal representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Monday is P-Day so you should receive an email with more details at that time.
Thanks for sending us wonderful missionary,
President and Hermana Nuckols
This couple is #goals. They invited us to their lunch party for their 50th anniversary and they were like the first family in the DR to become members and they are so happy and in love still. It was a blast... and free food.
Hello!! Wonderful people,
How's life? Life in the DR has been great. My MTC experience was great, but I'm so happy to be out in the field doing the Lord's work. There's not a better feeling.
My trainer is good. I actually went on splits with her while I was in the MTC. She's only been out three months but now she's a trainer, so we're kinda learning new things together. Her old companion and her didn't really like contacting very much, but I loooooove contacting! It's a blast just talking to people and seeing potential, so I have kind of worked on her a bit to go out contacting more and we had more new investigators this week than she has had in a while. I just get super pumped about doing this work! So yayayayayayay! haha
Our area is called Panitini. It's the richest area in our mission, and word in our mission is that it's the hardest area in the west. It's all these homes and apartment buildings with security guards and so we can't just go door knocking, and then like 70% of the people walking around don't live in our area so we can't do much for them as far as teaching. But I say whateer to all that about our area being the hardest. We've just gotta pray and be guided to the right people. We already have. We have found lots of new people to teach and it's been great!
I hear whistling and men yelling at me, calling me rubio all the time, which just means blonde, white girl. My companion has had to teach me that I can't just smile and wave at everyone cause I guess it's too flirty, haha. But yeah, I definitely get looked at more than I ever have in my life. haha
I asked my first baptismal invitation this week to this lil 8 year old. His dad was a member but is now inactive, but he has us come teach his son. So that was fun.
My espanol is still very bad, but I just do what I can and I have faith that it will come eventually. The people here are great! I love it so much! I'm so happy to be here. I miss everyone so much but there's nothing I would rather be doing! We have a baptism this Saturday. Can't wait.
Love you all!
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