Thursday, February 2, 2017

February 2, 2017

 I should be an Ensign photographer hahaha, but these sisters are so cute and help me with my Spanish
 #selfiemissionary lol
 The nice army guy on the plane ride here with me and Hermana Prince. got to tell him about the church so yay. Also, ignore my weird hands. hahaha
 The mtc president and his wife. she reminds me of grandma R. They really are sweet people
 I love the plants here! The temple grounds are so gorgeous! And my hair is really big haha

 Elder Ackley leaves on Monday. 

This is Sister Anderson. Shes from Jamaica and she always say yo and girl.

This is the truck that brings the food every day.

Yo Yo Yo Sweet people, 

Hello!!! How is everyone?! I miss you all so much! 

This week was good. The elders in my district offered us sisters priesthood blessings, so of course I said yes, and the blessing Elder Monson gave me was so good. It gave me a lot of comfort about the language and being away from home and it talked a lot about how i will influence people and they will influence me. Then he paused for like 30 seconds and finally he started talking about how proud Heavenly Father is of me for serving in the temple and Elder Monson was saying things like how I devoted so much of my time before the mission to work in the temple and serve in the temple. That just hit me so strong that the Lord is the one saying the things that are said in priesthood blessings because Elder Monson didn't know about all the time i spent in the temple, but Heavenly Father did and that was just such a cool experience. Then that night in Spanish class my companions were feeling really overwhelmed with the language and started crying, but i felt completely at peace and I know it was because of the blessing I had received. I have always loved priesthood blessings, but my testimony was really strengthened that they are straight from Heavenly Father and that they can bring so much comfort. 

Speaking of the elders in my district, they are sooooo funny! i love my district so much. I literally have so many laugh attacks because of the elders. Its just what I need after a long day of Spanish study haha, but ya, my companions and the elders in my district have been such a blessing. I love them. The mtc has been so spiritual. I'm very blessed to be here. Missions are siiiiick! My teacher showed us a video about the Savior. Some of the quotes were so good "when we struggle we are standing shoulder to shoulder with the best person ever who struggled" "why would we think it would be easy for us if it was never easy for him" and they just all really helped me.

We went to the grocery store yesterday. It was nice to get out of the walls of the ccm haha. Gave me a taste of what it will be like. While my companions were in line buying stuff I started talking to this adorable old black man who spoke broken English and I was speaking the tiny bit of Spanish I knew. He was so friendly and cute and he asked me my name. It was the first time I introduced myself as Hermana White to someone outside of the mtc and it was just a really cool experience to call myself that and point to my name tag with Jesus Christ next to my name. Talking to him just got me so excited to talk to other people!! I cant wait!!

We did service around the temple the other day. Just did some raking and cleaning and it was soooooooo hot! Holy moly! I'm gonna die haha. No not really but i will certainly be sweaty pretty much everyday.
During physical activity time this adorable little chubby Dominican boy comes and plays games with us sometimes and he is so cute. Playing speed and volleyball and ping pong in the middle of the day is a nice break. 

I got mashed potatoes this week. 

I love you all so much! be safe out there

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