Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018

Starting to get rid of all my clothes. Oeshly lookin good in one of my dresses haha

A new RM works in the fire station, so we are teaching a bunch of fire men ha. 

I Love Ocoa!


So I'm staying and ending my mission here in Ocoa. I was kinda hoping to have one more area, but I can't complain cause I'm getting an American! Which will be great cause I will be able to relearn English haha. I'm excited to see what else God needs me to do here in this area. I plan to eat lots of mangos, drink lots of coconut water, kick it and teach lots more Dominicans! It will be a good last transfer!
We had the miracle of a baptism! Anel is the smartest kid I know! He's great! His grandpa died several weeks back. His grandpa was a very strong member of the church. When that happened Anel wanted to learn more about the church of his grandpa, and was baptized exactly three weeks later! He's great. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018

We went to the caves and waterfall. Again.

So I'm pretty sure last week I did something amazing. I think I helped make an eternal marriage happen! I told one of the single male members here in Ocoa to talk to one of my converts in my other area. So they are now chatting almost every time i see this member. Jokingly, but maybe talking real talk, he told me I might have to come back to visit to be a witness at their wedding!!! And that he really likes her!! So that was probably the highlight of the week!  because I can't say we had the most successful week. We had four baptismal dates planned for the next two weeks, and they all fell through. which is too bad, but we are contacting like crazy to find new people to teach. 

Life is super fun these days. I'm just trying to live it up as much as possible with the time I have left! I've been rereading old journal entries and just thinking about how amazing the mission has really been. It's amazing how much I've grown. Reading my first entries until now. wow haha. I feel so blessed for what I've learned and the testimony that I now have. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018

You may be asking why I'm a liar. Well.. it's because everyone thinks I like habichuelas con dulce. What is habichuelas con  dulce? The direct translation is sweet beans. Pretty much it's like refried beans with milk and sugar and cinnamon. You can eat it hot or cold but whatever way you eat it, it's terrible. At least I think so. The Dominicans love it, and the week of Easter, it's tradition to make it. So just about every house we went to they gave us some. I'm feelin pretty good that I'm in a new week that doesn't have disgusting traditions.!!

Conference was great. Well the parts we saw...the power went out several times. But our new prophet is starting with a bang! woohooo for revelations from God. 

This week our convert Luis asked me how to pay his money to God. We pulled out the tithing slip and he paid his very first tithe!!. 

There's no better way to spend Easter than as a representative of Jesus Christ. Here on the mission, I've come to love Him so much more. I've come to know Him so much more. I truly stand all amazed at what he did for us. I'm so thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ. He lives, which makes it possible that we all will live again. What joy and what peace He brings. 

We had a dope service project making bread and building rabbit cages. What better combination.